Monday, April 28, 2008

Moving house

Greetings to our fair readers. There is news yet again of a new server. This time, though, there will be some work on your part, so get ready to think. What do you mean, 'your brain hurts?' Toughen up there, crack your knuckles and get to typing!

Instead of using the old domain, you'll need to type the following in at your command prompt or run box:

telnet 1063

then log in as usual.

Please use this login procedure for the time being. We'll keep you posted on future developments.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Everything Old Is New Again

Greetings, fellow residents of Sigma Station. After a short delay, we are back online with some happy news.

This past February marked the sixth anniversary of the Station being online for your exploration. Architect scribe of the Isis architectural firm of Scribe & Sons reports that are exciting plans in the works for the near future.

The Signal itself is coming to you from new (well, new to us, anyway) hardware after an ugly incident involving a power cord felled our previous CPU in its prime of life. Le compy c'est mort. Vive le compy!

We are looking forward to again reporting all of the news we can make up.

In the meantime, congrats to all of our recent treasure hunt winners, including the aforementioned scribe, jeremy and, of course, our own tregina. We also are glad to see wedgefreak and obiwan wandering the halls of the station again. Welcome back, guys.